Who doesn’t love Bob?

July 26, 2012

I hate auto-tune, but I love me some Bob Ross.

More envelopes-

July 24, 2012

Another piece of envelope art in the hopes of encouraging the USPS to get it there in one piece; luckily, I heard it worked. For those who can guess the recipient this was sent to, rest assured she enjoyed this image more than the one in the envelope! Ugh.


Back at it

July 16, 2012

It’s been a while since I’ve been to a drawing session, and recently I had the chance to get back to it. Here’s a few of my efforts.

First up, some traditional pencil —



And now, a similar approach, but with markers mixed in.

Hey guys, another reminder that a gang of us will be at Politics and Prose tomorrow night (starting at 7pm) for a Cul De Sac signing party!  If you don’t know, the book is a collection of  various artists drawing the characters from the CDS comic strip that Richard Thompson created. Richard, sadly, has the disease, and this book was done in association with the Michael J Fox foundation to raise funds for Parkinsons research. There’s going be a ton of contributors there to sign the book, including recent Pulitzer Prize winner- Matt Wuerker, cartoonist Steve Conley, and Nick Galifianakis; and although it hasn’t been confirmed, there’s the chance Richard will be there if he can. The last time we did a signing for this, the line was out the door, so get there early! I hope to see you all at Politics & Prose — 5015 Connecticut Ave NW.



On a lighter note- I recently saw this on Topless Robot- and I loves me some Golden Girls!

Fire ONE! Fire TWO!

July 3, 2012

That’s right, this weekend I’ll be appearing at TWO comic shows!

First up, the Southern Maryland Comic-Con on Saturday (July 7, 2012) from 10am-5pm at the Capital Clubhouse in Waldorf, MD, admission is a meager $10, with kids under 10 getting in free! It’s a crazy place with indoor ice skating (stay cool my friends), rock climbing, and all sorts of other activities to fill the day. There’s something perfect for everyone in the family to tag along for!

Other guests include the brilliant Steve Conley, Timelord J.K.Woodward, ninja Matt Slay, “Revival” creator Tim Seeley, stunning and funny Carolyn Belefski, pyramid coach Bill McKay, secret agent Louis Small Jr. and the great Greg LaRocque! We’ll all be signing, and doing sketches, so drop buy, have fun, bring the kids, and cool off!

Remember, if you can’t make it to Waldorf, I’ll also be running over to Richmond, VA on Sunday (July 8, 2012) for the VA Comic Con, at the Crown Plaza West hotel, and admission is completely FREE!

If you miss them at the Maryland show, comic madman Rick Ketcham, will be there with his Tsunami Studio pals Jason Walker, and John “Waki” Wycough. There’s also going to be a slew of artists around for sketches like Tim Dzon, and creators like Sandshark Dan Nokes. Oh, Matt Slay and Bill McKay will be there too, but those guys have gotten enough shout outs today! Bwah-ha-ha!

I hope to see everyone from the area that can make it! They’re great shows, and practically just a coffee date with comics! If you get to a comic shop this week, look for my SDCC G.I.Joe:RAH cover, it ought to upset quite a few Texas fans! (Hey the wife is OU alumni, she made this sort of stuff part of our wedding vows!)